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2023-2024学年度(上)九年级期中阶段英语学科教学质量数据采集(本试卷 满分 110分考试时间 90分钟)
()l.When is Amy's birhday?
A. June 9th.
B. June 10th.
C. June 11th.
) 2. What did the man do last night?
A, He watched a football match.
B. He played computer games.
C, He went to see his brother.
) 3. Where did Sam attend the book fair yesterday?
A. In the classroom.B. On the playground
C. in the library.
) 4. How does Alice go to school?
)5. Which country will the woman go to?
A. The UK.
B. The USA.
C. France.
) 6. How long has the woman lived in this city?
C. For thirty years.A.For ten years. B. For twenty years.
) 7, What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. To visit the History Museum wwith him.
B. To show him the way to the Hisfory Muscum
C. To buy him a ticket to the History Museumm.
) $, How much does a ticket to the History Museum cost?
h9, hy is the boy in Bcijing now?
A. He is on holiday here.
B. He is on a wisit to his fricnds
C, He is on an educational exchange.
(.)10. where does the boy come from?
A. New York.
B. London.
C. Paris.
) 11. What does the boy do on weekdays?
A. He stays with his host family.
B. He studies with Chinese students.
C. He tours around Beijing.
)12. Where was Meimei's grandpa born?
A. in North China.B, in East China.
C, In South China.
}13. How was the weather there in winter?
A. Snowy and cold.B. Dry and cold.
C. WWet and warm.
()14, When does Meimei's grandpa want to go back to his hometown?
A. Next week.
B. Next month.
C. Next year.
听下面一段独白,回答第 15 至 17题。
115. How old is Joe?
) 16. When did Joe take part in the programme The Best Mice ofOur Schoo!?
C. In May.A. In March.B. in April.
) 17, What prize did Joe win?
A. The frst prize.
B. The second prize.
C. The third prize.
听下面一段独白,回答第 18 至 20 题。
()18. How did Lily go to the supenmarket last week?
A. By bus.
B. On foot.
C. By bike.
()19. Why did Lily run back home this morning?
B. To get her schoolbag:C. To get her coat.A. To get her keys.
()20. How long did it take Lily to get to school this morning?
A. Halfan hour.B. An hour.
C. One hour and a half.
一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分:满分40分)第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项
Welcome to Sunshine Fammm
Hello, everyone! W'e are famous for our fesh and delicidus tomatoes, Do you want to comehere? We invite you to iisit the farm sand enjoy our praducts. All the customers will have asafe open-atr environment, Y'oucan have a good time here, The following instrucrions meyhelp you.
To pick the tomatoes, you reed to make a reservation( ) fom g &.m. ta 5 p.m. thu
day before the picking day on our website. [t is necessary.
No pets are allowed on the farm.
You can use your baskets or buyours, A basket only costs two yuan, The tomatoes are 1$
yuan for one kilo.
 If you bring your children here, they must stay close to you. Running here anef there isnot allowed, We hope they can foilow the fiurm rules.
 In order to stay safe and healthy, please don't come to the farm if you are ill.
) 21 .How many instructions are mentioned in the text to help people to have fum?
B.FoU.D.Six.A. Three.
C. Five.
)22.Where can people book to pick the tomatoes?
A. On the farmm.
B. On the website.
C. in a safe house.D.At home.
)23,What can children do on Sunshine Farm?
A. Run everywhere.B. Bring a dog.
D. Enjoy tomatoes.C. Make a basket.
)24.Who is the text written for?
C. Fammers.A. Parents.B. Children.
D. Doctors.
C. Farmers.D,Doctors.B.
BThere are many difierent ways to solve a problem, One way is to be creative. Peopleoften think creative thinking is just for artists and desigoers, but this is not true. Dr. Edward deBono,. an expert in creative thinking and problem solving, has shown the world thar usingcreativity to solve problems is very useful in business and in our communities, and wil!continue fo be so. in the furure.
One example of creative thinking is the solution to a parking probler in a town_center, lnthe areas close to stores, people can only park for 20 minutes, There are parking meters wherepeople pay to park in these areas. flowever, the problem is that many people leave their cars
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