2024-2025 学年度上学期九年级英语学科 10月限时性作业 第一部分 选择题(共80分) 第一节(共8小题,每小题1.5分,共12分) 听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳远项。听完每段对话后,你将有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下--小题,每段对话仪读一遍。 1. Where are the spcakers prabably talking now? A. In a bookshop.B. In a post office. C. In a library. 2. Who does the girl advise the boy to talk with? A. Amy. B. The boy's mother. C. The boy's teacher. 3, Where did Emma sce some animals? A In the Ocean Park, B. In the Namure PariC. In the City 2o0. 4. What pet does Mike bave? A. A cal. B. A goldfish. C.A bird. $. How did the boy's grandma oftcn go to school when she was a child? A. On foot B, By bus. C.By bike. 6. How long is ce Spaco Museum open a day on weckdays? A. For over eight hours, B, For seven hours and a half, C. For less than seven hours. 7, w/hat does Jane's mother look like? A. She is call with bloade hair. B. She is fat with long hair. C.She is short and thin with glasses. 8, why was Linda late? A, Because of a heavy snow. B. Because ofa traffc accident. C. Bccause ofa traffie jam. 第二节(共12小酒,每小题1.5分:共18分) 所下面4段对话。每段对话后有三道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每没对话谈两。 听第9段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What are the speakers talking abour? A. How lo make a Chinese kite, B. How tó make a model plane. C. How to make a Chinese knot. 10. What material docs the man use first to make it? A. Paper. B.Gluc. C. Wood. 11. What does the man think of making it? A. Very diffcult.B. Quite simpie. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 12至 14题。 C. Really interesting 12,What kind of TV programme does Simon like best? A. Game show. B. Music show. C.Cartoon. 13.Who is Simon's favourite cartoon character? A.Mickey Mouse.B, Doraemon. C. Garficld 14.What does Alice think of talk show? A. Funny. B. Scrious. C. Baring. 听第 11 段材料,回答第 15.至 17题。 15, Where does the woman read the article? A. In a book.B. In a msgazinc. C, In a newspaper. 16.How do peopie feel when they put their hands together? A. Excited. B. Unhappy. C.AngTy. 17.\Vhat do pcople sometimes do when they are thinking hard? A. They shake their closed hands. B..They close their eyes. C. They cross their arms. 听第 12 段材料,回答第I8至 20 18..\Vhcre will the competition be held? A. On the school playground. B. At the Children Centre. C. At Children's Hospitel. 19. How will the woran help the children? A. By teaching them how to read pqems. B, By telling them the meanings ofthe poems C, By taking some poetry books to them. 20. hen will the competition be held? A. This Sunday.B, Next Samrday. C.Nexkt Sunday. )23.How does the writer show the resulls of the sclfie survey in this text? A.By listing numbers.B.By giving cxamples. CBy making comparisons.D.By asking questions. )24. In which part of the magazine can be read the tcxt? A. Sports.B. An. C. Lifc.D. History B Nancy was a baby turtie(游色). Sbe was protected wèll by her parents on thebeach where she was bora. But as she grew older, she decided to see the worid, Shewould have to get.a tool to travcl around, for turtles were very slow. She asked her mother to buy her a moped(助力车) so that she could go off anddiscover new lands further away, But Nancy's mother said, "Ccrlainly not! Mopeds are too dangerous for turtles."Nancy was unhappy about this, so she dceided to look for amoped that had becn thrown away, Finally, Nancy found what shewas looking for, Without a second thought, she took it and went ofto fid another beach along the'const road, As she rode, she noticedthat the moped was going very fast, and that it was getting more andmore difficult to control it. Suddenly, a bee flew into Nancy's face, which made her fall onto the ground soheavily that she broke a leg, With great dificulty, Nancy went back home and shutherselfup in her own room without saying anything. That evening, Naney's parents bought a lot of her favorite food and made a bigmeal, Nancy went out and saw alt the delicious food on the table, and then couidn'thelp crying! It secmed that her leg wasn't painfal at al. )25.What did Nancy decide to do when she was old enough? A, To travel around the world,B, To live on another beach. C. To buy her mother a moped. D, To lear more lessons. )26.What does the underlined word “it" in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. A be. B. A maP. C.A moped.D. A guide. )27.hy did Nancy fall onto the ground? A. Becouse onc ofher legs was broken. B. Because the coast road wasn't simooth nt al!. C. Because a bee flew into her facc. D. Because her mother stopped her on the way. ()28. Whnt cnn we infer from the ending ofthe slocy? A. Nancy wasn't happy with the dinner. B. There was nothing wrong with Naucy's leg. C. Nancy's parents gol a new moped for her. D. Nancy understood the love of her parenls On Jan 25, 2014, Li Na bccnme the first Asian player to win the Ausrralian Opcnwomen's singles(女单). At that tirc, 11-year-old Zheng Qinwen was watching in froniof'a television. The samc day 10 ytars later, Zheng rade history byreaching the Australian Open women's singles final, becomingthe second Chinese famale(女性的)iennis player toadvancc(晋级)to aGrand Slam(大满质)singles final. On jan27, she came runner-up(亚军) in the eveat. "Li Na is my idol ... It's she who helped shape my dream," said Zheng, During the2024 Australian Opcn, the two spoke in person for the first time, and Zheng thanks Lifor offering her some key advice. She told me, “Don't think too much. Just go for it"Zheng said to Xinhus. These moments all made this decade-long“inheritance(长达十年的传承)"evenmore special. 2heng and Li, both from Hubei, share a similar path(&路)in learningtennis, They had professional and interational training from a young age, followinginternational slandards and setting clear goals, poted Xinhua. At just 21 years old, Zheng bas proved herself to be a serious player since turningpro in 2020, Within just over two years of playing in WTA evenls, she bas got touchampionships and became the second Chinese player to enter the world's top 10, said Xinhwn.Just as Li has lifted Chinese tennis to greater heights, Zheng also hopes toencouragc the next gencration(一代人), “I want to be an example for children, so thatwhen they see me, they know that I am not only a good player, but also a good person,a young, fantastic role model who can encourage them to carry on," Zheng told CGTN.)29, hat do we know about Zheng Qinwen? A. She has bcen a tennis player for 10 years. B. She won the championship in tbe tounament. C. She is the first Chinese player lo enter the Australian Open. D. Sbe is one of the tup Asian tcnnis players. ()30. Vhat happened when Zheng met Li Na? A. Li gave Zheng some suggestions.B, Li taught Zheng some practical skills. C. They shared their stories ofgrowth. D, Zheng invited Li to be her coach. ()31.What is Paregrapb $ mainly about? A. Zheng's detailed path of growth.B. Zheng's acbievemcnts after turning pro. C. Zheng's performance in the toumameat,D.Zheng's future professional goal. )32. What did Zheng mean by what she said to CGTN? A. She is an influentia! model amopg children. B. She will keep moving forward and be a coach. C. Sbe wants to cncourage more young peopie. D. She has encouraged many children to play tennis. From Moon to Mars, scientists are looking for water . the key to life. Recently,they have turned to Jupiter(木星)! Jupiter is a gas giant( E星). It doesn't have an Earth-like surface. We can seostrips(条纹) around it, They are actually cold, windy clouds. On April l4, the Buropean Space Ageuey's spaceship, JUICE, successfully liftedof, JUICE, short for "Jupiter lcy Moons Explorer", will coltect data(数据)Grom jupiterand its three naurat satellites(), Europa,Ganymede and Callisto The three satellites are believed to have big oceans of liquid water(液容水) undertheir icy shells().Thc water on them could be six times as much as the amount inEarth's oceans. The major task will change our understanding of Jupiter, for example,whether there are habitable(可居住的)environments among those icy satellites orJupiter. In 1998, NASA's Galileo spaceship found that Europa could shoot water as far as160 kilometers into space. That gave scientists much courage to study Jupiter.The occans under these three satellites are likely to be tens of kilometers deep, Butthey are trepped under tens of lilometers of ioe, making it difhcult to study them.Although JUICE cannot land on the surface, it has lots of high-ech equipment to studythesc three satcllites" environment. ()33. What can we know about JUICE from the text? A. ft succeeded in landing on April 14. B. It will become onc of Jupiter's satellites. C, ft got its name from what it looks like. D. [t will collect data from Jupiter and its satellites, ()34,what is the purpose of JUlCE's major task? A. To find out if Jupiter has living things similar to buman beings B. To find out whether it is possible for life to live on the satellites. C, To shoot water to the earth from Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. D. To test ways of keeping water on Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. ()35, What does the underlined word “trapped"in Paragraph 6 probably mean? A. Kept B. Lost C. Moved D. Studied j36. How does the writer feel sbout NASA's sudy of Jupite?? A. HopefuiB. DoubtfulC. UncertainD. Unknown. 第二节,阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个是多余选项。 Over twenty years ago, Becker and his wife heard about a Chinese public project,It provided language training for the disabled children, but it was short of trainers inChangsha, So they came in 2002 with a common wish to do something meaningful inlife. In Changsha, together with other Chinese trainers, thcy hclped disabled childrenimprove their hearing and language pronunciation, Every little progrcss cach childexperienced was a great encouragement to them, and they achieved their goal in life.Afer ten years of working for this project, they found that the disabled adultscouldn't be independent because they had no professional skills, Then Bccker and hiswife set up a bread shop to teach these people how to make bread. With their help, allof theo were able to live on their own. Luckily, Becker and his wife have also got the support from the local goverment.More people join them and understand that disabled people can work as well as othersvhcn thcy have the same cnances. i1.Why is Becker's shop quiet during work hours? 52,What did Becker and bis wife help disabied children to do? i3,Who gave support to Becker and his wife? s4.What do you usuaily do to help the people in need? (write 30 words or more)六、书面表达(满分20分) 65.学生 Jobn 给校报 Problenis&Advice 专栏写了一封求助信,讲述了自己进入毕业年级后的焦虑和压力。假设你是校报编辑李辉,请你给他写一封回信,给他适当的建议和帮助,内容包括: 1,表达你的担忧和理解: 2,提出建议; 3.表达希望。 注意: (1)询数80-100左右:开头和结尾已给出,不计入总调数: (2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯: (3)文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称等,