营口市第一中学 质量检测考试九年级 英语试卷(考试时间:70分钟 满分:90分)2024.10第一部分选择题(共 50 分) 一、国读理辉(共 20 小耀,每小题2分:瀹分 40 分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中逸出最佳选项。 Weleome to Renmin Hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyableone.We hope you will find he follwing use ful to you.Mealtimnes Breakiast 7:30-9:30 p.m. Luneh A hernoon tea, Dmner 12 :00-2 : 30 p m. 4 00-5 : 30 p. m. 7 00-9 : 15 p. m. Tea, collee, cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your roomss fram 10 :00 a. m. to1 1 00 p, m, e xeept during the mealtimes listed above, Cold drinks in your roams can be used atany tinke. Room cleaning he wailers will ckan the room ifyou leave the room atany time between 9 J00 a. mand4 :00 pm. Valuables Please put your valuables in our sale(fp $), or we can't be responsible far your loss. Leavimg If you want to leave, please tell us before 6 : 30 . p, m, of the day, or you will have to payfr amather dary. Attentian To make sure of other people's good rest, turn down the radio er he 'TV after 11 :00 p. m. y1. How long does the luneh time last in Renmin Hote!? A. 1.S hours. B. 2 hoursC.2.5 hoursD. 3 hours. )2, You should after 11 :00 p. m, in the hotel. A. go to bedB. turn down the T'VC.tumn off the TyD. tumn offthe rad iog )3, The waiter will br ing a cup ofeoffee to your roam at A.8:30am.B. 12 :30 p.m.C.6:30pmD.8:30 p. m. (. Whieh of the following is TR UE aeearding to the text? A. The waiters ny elean your roam at 5 : 00 p. m. B, The hotel serves cold drinks in roomss at any time C.lfyou lose your valusbles, the hotel can be respnsible for the m D, If you don'tleave before 12 at noon, you need to pay for another day. B Every living thing needs to reproduee, Reprodueing means creating more members ofyour group. In order for pilants to reproduce, hey have to spread their see ds(p f) to other areasPkntshave developed all kinds of ways to do this. The simplest way is gravity, Many seeds are inside of fruit, When a piece of fruit gets tooheavy, it falls from a tree to the ground, $ometimes animals will piek up he fruit and drop it inanother area. Thet helps move the seed even hrther away, Apples spread this way. Cther phnts use wind to spread the ir seeds, Dandelions are a good example of thisDandel ion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new placesMhaple( 枫树 ) seeds also use wind, The ir seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that locklike wings when the seed fallk fom the tree, its“wings"help it fly farther from the tree. Somse animtals help plants spread their seeds, The animeals eat the seeds, While the seed isin the anitrs body, it siays wtole.When the seed leaves the anil, i's m a new plaee Anis also help spread seeds Someeeds lave a spee nl smell hat alrets anis, lhe anbbring the seeds haek to their honse,whieh of course is underground, They only eat pant of theseed, They leave the rest ofthe seed underground, Aher that, the seed can start growing. j5, What does the word "gravity" mean in the seeond paragraph? A. The aetion tlat makes anintals drop seeds B. The help that moves see dk even ar ther awsy. C. The need that comes from animals and plants D, The foree that causes fruit lo hall to the ground y6. How do nples spread their seeds? A. They use ants, B, They use wind, c, They use smelk, D, They use animeals j7. What do ants do to help spread seeds? a. They only eat pant of the seed h, They help seeds hll from the tree. e. They carry seeds to the underground home. d They piek up the fruit and move it far away.. e. They leave he rest of he seed underground. A. bde B. abd C.ace D.bed y8, What is he heme(主&) of the texr? A. Natre. B. Cultre.C. EdveationD. Teehnology. “BANG!"he doar caused a reverberation(e ).lt was just standing here,wih Fahersianding on ane sie,and I on the other sie. We were both in great anger,"Never set foot in this house again!"stormed Father. With tearswelling up in my eyes,I nushed out ofthe flat and ran along the street. The street lights were shining,causing rather sad.feeling I wandered aimlessly. A young faher who held a child in his ars walked past me.l felt as ifl saw mychildhood fom another speee happy and carefre e. But now..l dan't know whether it is because I have gown up or because Dad isgetting old.W'e think diflerenily,Hle alwas puts his opinions on me, We are just like two peopleeoming from two different worlds lt feels like there is an iron door between us that can never beopened. I wandered in the streets and didr't know where to go.My heart was cold on this hotsummer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on he sireetsuntil l had onlythe sireet lichts with me, when I finallyresched the hich.-rise aparmentbloek in whieh l lived.l sawthat the lieht wss still on I thought to mysel?,“s faher waiting far me,or is he siill angry with me?"Perhaps,Dad was throwing avsy some of his old stamps,.Perhaps he thought they wereuselessl never hed the courage to tell him that I liked eolleeting stamps.l can't stand hisoutrageous(蛮横的)wrds. All the lighis were offexeept Father's. Dad was always like his, Maybe he didn't know how to express himself.After shouting atme,he never showed any merey or any maments ofregret, After an argument he hes the hahit ofwalking quietly into my room in my sleep and then tueking(把..... ) me under the coversThis was how he alwsys was He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has beeome his seoand natune. The⊥榧铟頭➆在叴临懈蒹鹊螵ɑ一兔慮嚙萼垌钪›的扔鲨巒楮锆狎鈈一燊邴牤旮铟醮掻一侬乐構跖孑瑀朽了佇庚帱狒镗鉼鈥的呈觥琞芘垌蕺臟了想俯嚌狒晦趼縛的存辋撺杲髌诜❺是酒綠繼啵捺蓊颠中債痿渠镱漕堍Ⓝ一靛芾鯤螅n存 house.ybe.. Wih he key in hand,l waas neryous as I had ever been.At las,l deeided to open the doar.As soan as l opened the doolears ran down my cheeks, l suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imaginedbetween us did nat exisu(存在utall,Love-is second to noney9,What mde the writer think of his childhood? A.The sight ofthe sireet lights. B.The sight ofthe empty street C.The sight of a hher with a child in his arms D.The sightoflight in his own house. y10,What's the mesning ofthe underlined word'merey"in the passage? A. 宽想B.喜悦C.赞扬D.恼怒 )11.The father ohen telk his son what to do beesuse A.he faher is geting older and alder.B.he son has already grown up. Cthey never agree with eaeh oter.D.the father hes got used to doing that 12,What can we know fam the pessage? A.The faher treats his son in an unfair way. B.In het, the fher loves his san. C.The fther is neither kind nor rude to his son. DThe hher is als fmding huh(i错mih hisson. 4 As elimate change brings dngers to people,we are now fcing anotherpoblem-underground climate change, lt is repored from a researeh team from Northwestern[niversity, [S, that with the development ofeites, the rising underground temperature is causing the ground to heat up and deform(变形).In the last three years, he team had put more than 150 temperature sensors(mm) underChicago, The places inelude subway tunnels, underground parking lots and besements(指下宣)of buildings, "The kemperatures they recorded were suprising, For eample, air tem peratures irunderground stnuctures(f构)can be up to 25℃ higher eompared to the undisturbed groundtemperature, Afer colleeting data in Chicago, the team created computer models to see howtem peratures will inflwenee the ground until 205 1. When heated, some solt materials may eontaet (收) , and other malerials, such as sione,.my expand ( 3 k) in size, The models showed that warmer temperatures can cause the groundo expand upward by as mueh as 12 centimekrs, or sink downward by as mueh as 0.8centimeters, This may even eause the ground to eraek ($e ) , leaving people who live and workabove in chneenos silatins. The elleets “can be very bad, but it takes a long time to see hem," Rota Loria, who led thestudy, said in a repart, As seientists have aleady known a lot about underground elimate change.fhture plans for cities should take it into consideration, Maker ials that take in heat can be used tobeep the heat fron enering the cromd. The team also poinled out that the rising temperature could be seen ass opotuity. C iy planners can try to eolleet heart underground and send it abve for heatingy13.The undisturbed ground refers to plees, like A. BsemenkB.tumnelsC.publie parksD.underground parking lots )14, Because ofthe rising underground tem perature, wlat may happen? A. Sol mteriak may expand in size. B. The under ground buildings may conraet. C. More eathguakes my take place. D, More chenges in the ground nty happen. y1 5.To avoid the underground elimate change, A. The materiak that can take m heat shoukl be used. B, The number of people who take the underground should be limited C. Fans should be fied in the ground. D, More sensars can be put in the ground to reoord the temperature. y16, wihat can we leamn fom the last paragraph? A. The longest journey begins with the first step. B, Rame was not build in a day. C.One should loak at the problem in two wsrys. D. Provide for a rainy day. 第二节 网读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多 挾潷心限膻潷半选项。 RCrosstalk is a kanguage-based drama rap art, lt made its debut (l ly in 1862 at the TiangiaoMarket in Beiling, Many years lhater, crosstalk continued to spread in Tianjin, Sinee then, it harremsained a thriving (多发展的) art and has been nassed down from generation to generation.The crosstalk of Tianjin is a cultural symbol with unique re gional charackr isties (抱城特色)If'you travel to Tianjin but don't go to listen to a teshouse erosstalk, it's like you' ve never been toTianiin.17 18It is characterized by inense psrsion(強烈的激情) mixed with complexemotians sueh as anger and humor, and is known for its satir ieal ( ijig ) features. A long table, apiece of wood, a robe and a folding fan are all the thingsa performer nee ds to perfor m on stage.In the cirele of Tianjin crossialk, there are many prominent fieures(著名的人物) such asZhang Shouchen, Zhou Deshen, Ma Sanli, Hou Bsolin,and Chang Backun19. Onlywhen they are fam ous and popular enouch in Tinjin can they start a successlul career in Be iing.20, There are meny teahouses in Tianjin wih some degree of popuksrity, Aetors whoare engseed in prolessional crosstalk in Tianjin are shutling between teahouses every day,lringine hm to the auienee. Tianjin deserves to be called the “eapitl ofhunor" A. Life has bred (yk 'f ) 'Tim j in erasstalk and enr iehed the lives of Tinjin's people. B. Tianiin erossialk develops with its unique siyle. C. The art form ofTianiin erosstalk is making friends all over the world. D. $ome people fly to Tianjin for the sole purpose of listening to auhentie Tianjin erosstalk. E. Tianijin hes beoome the “stepping stane"" of crossta lk aetors C10分10分 圆读短文,理解其大意,从A、B、C、D匹四个选项中出可以填入空白处的最选项, Whenever my child caused me to change my schedule, I thought to myself, “We don't havetime for this,"Therefore, the two words I mast commonly spoke to my child were"Hunry up". Bumy prom ise to2 was made almost three years age, and I began my joumey to grasp wha22_in life. My younger daughiter is my living reminder of why I must keep trying to slow down.The two of us had tken a bike ride to the superrket, Afer buying an iee cream for mdaughter, she sat down at atable23 looking at the ice cream she held in her hand Suddenlya look of warry appeared upon her fee, “Do | have to rush, hhama ?" I could have eried, Perheps the pains ofa24 life don't ever campletely disappear, !thought sadly, As my child looked up at me waiting to know whether she could take her time, lknew l had a ehoiee, l eould sit there in sorrow hinking about he number oftimes when I toldmy child to rush through life,orl could25the faet that today I'm trying to do hingsdifereniy.l chose to live in today. “You don't have to rush,"l said,26 . Her whale faee immediately brightened and hershoulders relaxed, And so we satside by side ta lking, There were even moments when we sat in27just smiling at eaeh other. When she got to the last hite, she held out the ice cream for me.“ 28 he kst bite foryou, Mlama,"my daughter sa id proudly, I realized l just got the deal ofa lifetime. l gave my childa litde time. 29, she gave me her last bite, also reminded me that things taste sweeter and lovecomees30when you slop nshing through life. )21. A.speed upB. sow downC. give upD. kee p an )22 A.gives )23. A.sadly B. wins C. loses B.carelesslyC. palitely D. msatters D. happily )24. A.difeultB. worried )25. A.admit B. exeuse j26. A.angrilyB. fuentky )27 A.troubleB. pride 128. A.saved B. threw C. hurr ied D. terrified C. admire c. genly D. celebrate D. wisely C. advaneeD, silenee C.got D. bought )29, A.In tumn B. In retumn C. in chargeD. In contnol )30. A. harder B. better C. warse D. easier 第二部分非选择题(共40 分) 三、语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题1分;满分 10 分) 网读短文,在空自处填入适当的单词成用括号内所给词正确形式填空,使短文通、连贯。 Do you oftn drink fruit juiee and think it is good for your healh? However,3lrecentstudy shows that drinking too much juiee may cause early deathThis is32( ma in ) because these drinks have alot ofsugar.Aecording to se ientists, drinking too mueh fruit juice is just 33dr inking too much sodathey both have a lot of sugar, Taking in too much sugsr can cause many 34 ( health )problems, Some people might say there are alo vitamirs (生素)in fnuit juice.3stheamount is too small to mske up for the harm that these drinks do. In the study, “sugary drinks" were defined ( 2) to inelude boh sugar-sweetened (※加的drinls like soda and 100-pereent36( nature ) fruit juice, Seientists found that if people get10 pereent or more of their energy fram sugary drinks every day,they37( be ) 44 pereentmare likely to die from heart disease , Ako, they are l4 pereent more likely to die from otherdiseaes As Jean Welsh, one of the researchers in the study, told CNN, “Sugary drinks, whether softdrinks or fruit juiee, should38eontra," That is why some cities in the US haveinereased prices of sugary drinks . In this way,39(few ) people will buy sugary drinksbeeause of their higher priees. But how much is acceptsble? Here are he4( suggest )rom seientists.Kids.between 1 and 6 years old should drink less than 170ml of fruit juie every day, Adults andehildren older then é should not dr ink more than 230ml every day. 四、阿读与表达(共4小题,41-43 小题 每小题2分,4 小题4分:潏分 10 分)网读烜文,然后根据内容回答问题。 Ceeilia is a young designer, She makes clothes for kids and teens, For her sixth birhday,Cecilia asked for a sewing ( ) machine, She wanted to make her own clothes. She startedsewing fron then on and never shopped. Ceeilia's passion (指hf) for fshion has beeame a job as a designer, “ started making elothesfor my sister and her friends," Ceeilia told TFK (Time For Kids). Her mom's friend, a stare manager, helped Ceeilia start her business, Her creations are sold online and in two stores in Califonia. The young designer has been asked to speak at sehool to shre her stary, Her message is“Start to realize your dream at an early age."Cee ilia reads fshion books and magazines, “lt'simportant to lnow whet's going on in he business," she says. Her dream is to have her elohes sold in stores around he world, She would also love todesign dresses for Sasha and Malia Obama, “They have sueh a lovely siyle," she says.0ne day,Ceeilia hopes to go to the fshion sehool in Paris, France, For now, she is busy making 25 to 30dnesses eaeh week. Ceeilia knows there's more to life han just pretty elohes, She also gives away dresses andmaney to he poor, A fler all, fa shion comes and goes, but helping others never goes out ofstyle.41.Where were Ceeil ia's elthes sald exeept in two stares in California? 42. Why does Cee il ia read fshion books and magazines? 43. What does Ceeil ia think is more important to life than just pretly clothes? 44. What's your dream ?Wly? How b do that? Write 30 words ar more) 五ア、书面表达(满分20 分) 每个人都有自己心目中的英雄,每个人都可以成为英雄,假如某中学生英语杂志社正在开展以 My hero 为题的征文活动,请你根据下面的要点提示,写一篇征文稿。 1、 Who is your hero? 2, hat mkes himyher a hero? 3、 What have you learnt from himyher? 要求 需包含提示中的所有内容,可适当增加细节,条理清楚,语句通顺,不能出现真实姓名及学校,100 词左右。