writer in the world.
This story has two main characters: Romeo and Juliet, It happens because of hakbetween two families and love between the two young people.
They kne each other at first sight, but can not get blessing from their families. Theyeven have to get married in seeret, Juliet's father asks her to mamy another nobleman. Inorder to refuse her futher, she pretends that she is dead by drinking a poion, Bat that makesRomeo think that she is dead, He takes some poison and dies. When Juliet wakes up, shecan't accept it and kills herself.
Their love makes the two families live in peaee forever. The story is sad baat full of love.
Ir tells readers what true love is.
More Practice
-、1-5 CABCC
、1.Thousands of 2.gotawayfrom 3.walked on 4. wake up 5. looks like写作专题
How to Carry out Group Activities to Help
Us Siudy Fnglish Better?
In English class, we often have group activities, But how can we cary out group activities tohelp us sludy English beter? First, we must make clear what the task is for eaeh group and howw itshould he done. $econd, euch group member must play a different role and the whole group shouldcooperate well. t the same time , teachers shald offer necessiry help to cuch group during theaetivities, Finally , the activity results must be shared in class because they are our achievements.In this way,we will probably study English bewer.
二、第一节 1.For a couple of weeks.2.In a high school. 3. Photography4.In 623 $treet. 5. in the library. 6. Boaks about how to give a lecture.第节7. For a few months, /The spenker has read on the Internet for a few months,8.Seriously./The speaker reads them seriously.
9. Practise different reading skills, /The speaker can practise diferent reading skills duringreading.
10. Yes. they do.三、第一节
Britain is a big couniry, lt is in the west of Europe, The weather in Brilain is cool insummer and cold in winter, a bit wet in winter but dry in summer, There are different kindsof food and drinks in Britnin, People like drinking tea in the afternoon to have a rest, One olthe special festivals in Britain is Seienee Week. It is held onee a year. People like playing