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  Spenking and Writing

  、1. April Fool's Dhy 2. have an idea 3. play i joke on sb, 4. in the air 5. be close to6. a series of

  ,speak to Dr, Wang, please; is mot at the offiee right now; take a message; made anappaintent with him; I can't make it; call me back; retur your call三、In a basy city, a poor artist named Vincent van Gogh worked hard with his amazingtalent. Determined to parsue his passion for art, Vincent painted tirelessly, expressing hisfeelings onio cinvas with each brushstroke, Afer Vincent's deuth, his sisler-in.law, Jo vanGogh-Bonger, organized sales exhibitions to boost the visibility of his work. With lo'ssupport, Vincent's art finally received the prise it deserved, securing his plnce in history asone of the greatest artists of all time.

  More Practice

  、1.atthe sme time 2.a12-yearold girl 3. side by side4.fro time b timeS,look/seem like 6,can'tbe 7.tell the tnuth 8. in return、1.side by side 2.first;bo swim 3.inretum 4. can't be



  How to Stay Safe at School

  Do you know that our school life coald be dangerus if we are not careful erough? farexample, one day, two students quarelled with each other over a little thing. Suddenly, theybegan to fight, One of them was badly hurt because the other took a knife.

  In order to stay safe at school, firstly , schools should teach sfudents to respect ench other.Seeondly . all students must not be allowed to camy any hamful things to school because they mayhurt others. Finally, I think parents should teach children to be friendly to others.We really must keep ourselves safe at school. Let's do it and make it possible.




  二、第一节1.Hehadahsircul,2.15 yuan.3. She has caught a cold.4、1!W2Ssnowy.5,How to care for our hair. 6. Play badminton.第二节7.In 1995.8,He took laughing clubs to America. 9. lt is the same in anylanguage. 10.lsughing.


  Charles Dickens is one of the greatest English writers. He was bom in 1812 in one of thesmall towns in England, His amily was poor, so Dickens could nod go ko sebool. ie read a

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