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  Unit 7 Fun after school课堂评价


  -、1.did 2.see 3.visited 4.showed 5. launched 6. Did 7. catch 8. flew9.explained 10.let 1l.saw 12.wanted 13. had

  、Clubs Fair; shouted; moment; solar power;remote control; turned around; memberE、Last week, I had my first soccer club event, and it was really exciting! Our teachertaught us new kicking and passing techniques. I played as a defender and tried my best to stop the

  other team from scoring. At the end of the event, we all felt tired but happy.2、I'm in the Scienee Club, We do experiments with air and water. We make new thingstoo, like models of solar systems. We show everyone what we made at a special eventSometimes, experts (专多) come to talk to us about cool science stuff, It's really fun and I learn alot!


  1-5 ABBCA

  二、A.30t B,September C,13th D,15th E.DecemberGraar

  -、1-5 CABDA

  二、1.in 2.decided 3.at 4.smelt 5.waited 6.ago 7.found 8. sat 9. fell10. took

  Speaking and Writing

  -、1-5 DBDCA

  =、1.rocket 2.attended 3,surprised 4,headline 5.teach 6. event 7. recently8.excited 9.remote


  My unforgettable after-School activity

  Last Friday, our Green Earth Club had a special event in the city. We made bright posters

  about saving the Earth and gave out paper suggestions on being green.As we walked and showed our posters, I felt nervous but got more confident when peoplewere kind to us, One old man talked to me about how things used to be cleaner, His story mademe think everyone should help nature. That day I felt good about what we did together. It wasreally important and brought our community closer.

  This taught me that even small actions could help a lot. I'm happy we could make peoplethink about helping the environment.

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